Felix Handler

Felix Handler has worked as an Agile coach since 2016, and has been an OKR Coach since 2019. He’s held presentations such as this one at several events. He’s actively posting thoughts on the OKR topic on Linkedin. Although he started as a developer, he developed people rather than programs. Felix ended up at OKR since they empower management to bridge the gap between agile methods, trust, and empowering self-organization.  You can find his short resume here. Any further questions? Let him know and he’ll get back to you!

Title of presentation: How OKR Bridges the Gap Between Agile Teams and Management.

While agile and OKR are hype, there is also a more profound challenge at the moment: How to empower teams from a management perspective with a clear goal to self-organize and thrive around a topic. This has the challenge of mutual trust to get there, alignment across teams, and being/staying an attractive workplace for the right talent. This talk addresses these topics and shows how management can make their own life easier and their company (more) successful while not compromising on results.

11:15 - 11:35

Present Connection Track (Hall – 5.3)

How OKR Bridges the Gap Between Agile Teams and Management

While agile and OKR are hype, there is also a more profound challenge at the moment: How to empower teams from a management perspective with a clear goal to self-organize and thrive around a topic. This has the challenge of mutual trust to get there, alignment across teams, and being/staying an attractive workplace for the right talent. This talk addresses these topics and shows how management can make their own life easier and their company (more) successful while not compromising on results.