Roman Pichler

Roman Pichler is a leading product management expert who specializes in digital products and agile practices. Roman has taught product managers and product owners and advised product leaders for more than 15 years. He has been involved in product management and agile software development for more than 20 years. Roman is the author of three books on product management and one on Scrum. He writes a popular blog, hosts a podcast, and offers a range of free product management tools.

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Title of presentation: Product Roadmaps in Scrum

Product roadmaps are an important product management tool. But applying them in Scrum is not straightforward. The framework offers a product backlog but does not recognize a roadmap. In his talk, Roman will share practical tips on how you can effectively use product roadmaps in Scrum. He will explain how you can align the product roadmap and backlog, use product goals to describe future outcomes, and balance strategic, longer-term planning with tactical, shorter-term aspects.

12:30 - 13:15

Agile Coach Track

Product Roadmaps in Scrum

Product roadmaps are an important product management tool. But applying them in Scrum is not straightforward. The framework offers a product backlog but does not recognize a roadmap. In his talk, Roman will share practical tips on how you can effectively use product roadmaps in Scrum. He will explain how you can align the product roadmap and backlog, use product goals to describe future outcomes, and balance strategic, longer-term planning with tactical, shorter-term aspects.