Yannick Vanderstraeten

Yannick Vanderstraeten is the Agile Community Lead in Telesoftas, where he is responsible for supporting the Scrum Masters in the company's diverse projects. Yannick also covers the implementation of Agile methodologies and encouraging and facilitating Agility at all levels of the company.

His journey in Agility started about 16 years ago as a software developer. Once he felt the taste of it, he got hooked! He’s been a Scrum Master for about 5 years and Community Lead for the last year. Recently, he also started external coaching.

Yannick believes strongly in approaching Agility not just from the soft side but also the development process side of things – something where his developer background has been invaluable.

Find more about Yannick and contact him on his LinkedIn.

Read about Yannick’s experience here.

Title of presentation:  Fostering Partnerships Between Client and Developers, Not Silent or Revolting Workforces.

When talking about Agile teams, we hear the usual terms: roadmap, product goal, sprint goal, it's about the outcome, not output, etc... All that is true, but there are a lot of things that can be hidden underneath all that, which may not be immediately visible.

In software development, things like code debt, legacy, and CI/CD are also very common terms, yet they don't always tend to play nicely with the team's delivery roadmap. In his presentation, Yannick will show how a Scrum Master can foster a healthy partnership between clients and the dev team by actively incorporating these aspects in the day-to-day, using some examples of his developer-to-Scrum Master journey along the way.

16:15 - 17:00

TeleSoftas Track (Hall – 5.2)

Fostering Partnerships Between Client and Developers, Not Silent or Revolting Workforces

When talking about Agile teams, we hear the usual terms: roadmap, product goal, sprint goal, it's about the outcome, not output, etc... All that is true, but there are a lot of things that can be hidden underneath all that, which may not be immediately visible.

In software development, things like code debt, legacy, and CI/CD are also very common terms, yet they don't always tend to play nicely with the team's delivery roadmap. In his presentation, Yannick will show how a Scrum Master can foster a healthy partnership between clients and the dev team by actively incorporating these aspects in the day-to-day, using some examples of his developer-to-Scrum Master journey along the way.